
The Hatchery empowers Emory students with the skillsets and mindsets to be purpose-driven and effective innovators and entrepreneurs. Housed within a 15,000-square-foot creativity and collaboration space, The Hatchery offers mentoring and program support for all stages of innovation—from inspiration and learning to startups.

By the numbers


Total Program Participants


Student Ventures Supported


Student Ventures Launched

Hatchery News


Hatchery partners logos

Want to learn more about partnerships?

Calendar of Events

Sign up for a program or event, and let us know if it is designed and delivered in the optimal way to help you learn, and reach your goals. NOTE: The calendar below lists only new programs beginning in the next two-weeks. If you would like more information about The Hatchery’s programs already in progress, or an overview of the semester’s programming, please contact thehatchery@emory.edu.

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Contact the Hatchery

Email us: Send Email

Give us a ring: 404.727.3711

Visit us:

1578 Avenue Place
Suite 200
Atlanta, Georgia 30329

Fill out a brief, open-form survey and request form:

Hatchery Survey
Lobby area of the hatchery